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Disbanding Congregations
Dear Pastor and Parishioners,
The staff at the James R. Crumley Jr. Archives expresses its condolences as you begin the process of holy closure. We understand that this is a difficult time as you grieve the loss of your parish. Your contribution to the lives of countless members and visitors is significant; your service to the Lutheran Church at large is immeasurable. Please know that the Crumley Archives will do all that it can to support you during this process, and to make sure that your records and memories are safely preserved in our archives.
Our organization was created in response to the 1988 ELCA founding constitution, which called for the establishment of regional archives for the preservation of congregational records. The Crumley Archives was incorporated in 1991 as the Region 9 archives, and we operate in a secured, climate-controlled facility on the campus of the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, SC.
This page is meant to provide you with information about the records that you should retain as you prepare for closure. Please take special note of the document entitled “Records Management”, published by the ELCA; it will serve as guide to what you should deposit into the Crumley Archives. Additionally, you will also find a document that explains how to appropriately dispose of a Bible and a check list to use as you gather your valuable records. Our fee schedule can be found here.
If you would like a consultation, or wish for the archivist to visit your congregation, provision can be made for this. Please contact us at with questions or concerns.
​The Board and Staff of the Crumley Archives