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The Crumley Archives collection is one of the largest non-government archives located in South Carolina. It holds more than 4,000 cubic feet of records related to southern and Caribbean Lutheran synods, churches, other institutions, ministers, and church staff. In addition to paper records of manuscripts, reports, newspapers, and other materials, the holdings contain microfilm, photographs, artifacts, and various audio, video, and digital media.
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ELCA Synods - Region 9
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America consists of 65 synods which vary greatly in size, geography, membership, staffing and program. The smallest synod has 30 congregations — the largest nearly 300. These synods are grouped into nine regions, which are points of connection for them and the larger churchwide organization. The Crumley Archives maintains official records for the ELCA's Region 9, which includes six synods throughout the Southeast.
Caribbean Synod
Caribbean Synod Full Inventory - Includes selected records dating from 1952; congregations dating from 1666
Florida-Bahama Synod
Synod Website | Presiding Bishop: The Rev. Pedro M. Suárez
Florida-Bahama Synod Full Inventory - Includes records dating from 1929
North Carolina Synod
Synod Website | Presiding Bishop: The Rev. Tim Smith
North Carolina Synod Full Inventory - Includes records dating from 1803
South Carolina Synod
Synod Website | Presiding Bishop: The Rev. Virginia Aebischer
South Carolina Synod Full Inventory - Includes records dating from 1824
Southeastern Synod
​Synod Website | Presiding Bishop: The Rev. Kevin Strickland
Southeastern Synod Full Inventory - Includes records dating from 1860
Virginia Synod
Synod Website | Presiding Bishop: The Rev. Phyllis Blair Milton
Virginia Synod Full Inventory - Includes records dating from 1820
Other Collections
For information about these documents, we invite you to contact our office for additional information.
Institutional Holdings
Lutheran Association for Maritime Ministry Archives, dating from 1937
Lutheran Homes of South Carolina and Heritage at Lowman Archives, dating from 1911
Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary Archives, dating from 1832; LTSS theses collection dating from 1895
Lutheridge/Lutherock Ministries Inc. Archives, dating from 1946
Newberry College selected records, dating from 1856
Region 9 ELCA Office Archives, dating from 1988
Additional Archives
Assembly minutes of most early North American Lutheran national bodies, including synods outside the southeast
Clergy biographical information and selected records collections of pastors
Congregation histories
Early American Lutheran records including Salzburger records from 1733 and the Tryon document of 1771
Missionary artifacts and documents from work in Japan, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Tanzania, Liberia and elsewhere
Parish registers of disbanded congregations, starting late 1700s; microfilm of registers of selected active congregations, starting late 1700s
Periodical journals of Southern Lutherans dating from 1864, including Our Church Paper, Lutheran Church Visitor, American Lutheran Survey and others
Library of synod histories, family histories and church liturgical materials
Finding Aids
Select finding aids for collections in our archives can be found here.
Congregations - South Carolina Synod
Grace (Rock Hill, SC); 1923-2023 History
St John (Charleston, SC) Indexes - Each index is prefaced by an extensive explanation of contents, which often documents more material than the title of each index suggests. Indexes and microfilm are maintained at St John's Lutheran Church (Charleston, SC).
Trinity, St Nicholas, Prospect Congregations, Allendale Co., SC
Pilgrim (Lexington, SC)
St Peter (Lexington, SC)
St John (Pomaria, SC)
Mt. Tabor (West Columbia, SC)​​​​​
Congregations - Southeastern Synod
Congregations - North Carolina Synod
The Catawba Lutheran, a newspaper published by the Evangelical Lutheran Tennessee Synod. To view newspaper, click here.
​Amazing Grace, Granite Falls NC and Predecessors (St. Paul, Hickory and St. Matthew, Granite Falls)
Holy Trinity (Hickory, NC)
Congregations - Florida-Bahamas Synod
Bethlehem (Lake City, FL)
Congregations - Virginia Synod
St Paul (Roanoke, VA)
Congregations - Carribean Synod
Frederick Evangelical Lutheran Church, (St.Thomas VI)